I'm hoping for the first good Treyarch game, because there Call of Duties all suck. Their 3rd one was an improvement but still blew out its own a$$hole
Personnaly I think bond lends it self to more of a splinter cell'sh maybe a little hitman'ish type of game. Goldeneye was great and all but never seemed to fit in the FPS world (and thats coming from a big FPS fan). You miss the whole hand to hand fighting that make bond bond, and can be much more cinimatic than the tunnel vision of a FPS. Heres an idea, make it like that last oddworld game, the FPS view for all the gun play balls to the wall moments (big part of bond), and the ability to switch to a 3rd person view for Hand to hand and stealth moments (the other half of bond).
If they do it FPS style I'd want it to be like GoldenEye. That game ruled. The objectives in that game made sense and were challenging. The story worked well and it's replay value was through the roof. The multiplayer was fun and the numerous settings let you change things and keep it interesting. It'll definitely be hard to duplicate it's success but it'd be worth a shot!
i busted out goldeneye multiplayer with a friend the other day and it still is awesome...a remake with better graphics and a.i. would sell like hot cakes...i know i would buy it
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