I'm new to the Xbox 360, and I have a question; What game should I spend my hard earned money on? I'm open to any suggestion,, from XBLA to retail, hardcore to casual. Thanks ahead of time, because this thread could really help me out. Please post quickly: I'm ready to start gaming.
If you wanna put in hours an hours of gameplay then Fallout 3, but I would prefer deadspace cause the gameplay and the story is interesting and has a good twist.
Well this will get locked so you might as well post in the reccommendation sticky. Anyway Lost odyssey,The Darkness,Crackdown,Tales of vesperia,The orange box,Halo 3,Bioshock,Mass effect,and COD4 are all great games worth looking into.
If you are new to the system there is no hurry to buy new games. I reccoment going through the best of lists and getting some oler cheaper games. If you are itching to get on and play XBL and a newer game I would suggest Left 4 Dead, CoD 4, Burnout Paradise, Gears 2 or wait for RE 5. Have fun and welcome. If you need a friend who is ALWAYES on, invite me GT: FryShakeWad
fallout 3, oblivion, the orange box, halo 3, gta4, burnout paradise, cod4, bioshock are all good but it depends on what type and genre of game you're looking for.. the 360 is a great console for fps online so u may wanna go with one of them..
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