Thats right folks. i'm think about trading in my 360 for a ps3. Why? because, i personally don't see a point of owning a 360 anymore. Gears came out for pc. Lost planet,bioshock,etc. already did. So why do I need a console that makes me pay for an online fee when the other platforms offer it for free? Also alot of the games that are coming out are going to be multiplatform. Lets not also mention about the disc scratching and the rrod. Halo 3 willsooner or later just come out for pc too. So what the hell? If I get a ps3 atleast I don't have to worry about most of the exclusives coming out for pc. Nor worry about getting my discs scratched or sending it to sony.... So what I'm asking is... How much is 360 Premium worth for trading it in. Like eb games?
And if your a 360 fanboy, save your breath. Unless you got some logical things to say like its still worth keeping the 360.
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