It's funny that you guys don't realise what good pricing of games you have over there compared to Europe. We pay 65 euro (100 bucks) for a game, and that's not even a special edition, those are 75 euro (120$ - double price compared to USA price!)
Apart from that, 60$ takes in account a lot of things, packaging, transport, design (cover, booklet), shipping, etc. It's not just the software you're paying for. Don't forget viral marketing and other stuff, they don't alwaysget stuff sponsored by their publisher. If there's anything too expensive, it's those damn Blu-ray movies.
Exactly. Not to mention the rising production cost to make video games. Could you imagine. For over a decade, games have only went up about $10? That's what? 16%? When gas prices went up nearly 400%. With the rising costs and the slumping economy, how would developers and publishers survive if they didnt raise prices? Ten years from now, everything will cost more. That's just how it is. It use to cost 25 cents to watch a movie back in the old days, while today it's $12.50. You get my point. Stop complaining about rising prices and this and that being expensive, and just find a way to make more money. If not, dont spend. I think we're getting pampered over here, lol. $60 is more than fair. If you dont think it's worth it, wait for a price drop, or shop via EBay or buy used, which are a lot cheaper. I always buy Ebay and I get new games for $40-50. There will always be games I will shell out $60 for. And I'm 100% sure, I'll be shelling out $60 each, for more than 30 games coming out this year on both the PS3 and Xbox 360. But is it worth it? Heck yeah.
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