is going to be an amazing month of gaming. November 2 or 3 is Bioshock 2. 1 week later is Modern Warfare 2 (the 10th) and the next week Assassin's Cred 2
That's an awful time to release Assassin's Creed 2. Just like when GTAIV came out last April, every other game was dropped while people played GTA. When Modern Warfare 2 hits on Nov 10, I'd expect a similar thing to happen on Live, where every one of your friends list will be playing it.
It'll be exactly like it was two years ago except I had Bioshock before MW and AC.
August Burns Red fan! *thumbs up*
They've got a new one coming out July 14th, you might want to update your little sig-thingy. :)
Oh, and at the riskbeing consideredoff-topic, yay November! MW2 might be 'must buy' for me, but I think I'm going to wait out on most of the new games(except Forza 3).
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