Ive got shadowmere... well i had her. I got shadowmere and while doing one of the main quests i left her outside while i got tiber septims armour. I got what i needed and whent back outside .. Shadowmere was lying on the ground what apeared dead i looked for what killed her and two skeletons where running at us and she began to get up. I killed the skeletons and shadowmere tried to help but couldnt move from the spot. she kept running toward me but eventually vanished. I was fairly angry with that seeing as shes the best steed in the game but i went onward. I carried on the main quest and for some reason the game had given me a weylon priory horse that i owned but it wasnt prior mables like before i had shadowmere. Anyway heres my question.. Im at the bit with the great gate now and ive just read something worrying on the internet.....
There are many ways to improve your chances in this battle:
- Maximize the number of troops.
- Get troops from all cities in the Allies for Bruma quest.
- Get as many Followers as possible to accompany you. Even non-fighters such as the Adoring Fan or Shadowmere can be useful to draw fire away from you, especially since Shadowmere is essential and therefore cannot be killed.
ok that was what it said so are my chances of completion over ? is shadowmer realy "essential" ?
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