Here's the thing: The campaign in Gears of War 3 is great for the genre it's in. You keep talking about Bioshock, but there is no relevant comparison between GoW3 and Bioshock. GoW3 is a third-person shooter. Straight up, nothing else to it. Bioshock is a first-person action-RPG. There can't be the same type of story and character development in a shooter and a RPG. That's not the point and purpose of the game.
That being said, Gears 3 did leave a lot of gaps. A lot. They leave you with a lot of questions. But to what purpose? I like the fact that Epic allows you to develop to answer the questions for yourself. I get to pick why some of the things are the way they are. I get to decide why X happended instead of Y or Z, or the answers to A & B. If you don't like questions unanswered, you probably don't like Christopher Nolan movies either.
Lastly, you're ignoring the things that the campaign does do well. They integrate more characters, they take the player to more interesting and dynamic locales, and they added some really cool new features to the game (Silverbacks, gas barges, etc.). The stuff GoW3 does great, it does really great. You also should factor in the fact that you can experience it in 4-player co-op now. And playing through that campaign, watching the cutscenes with your friends... That's an awesome experience.
Is the GoW3 campaign perfect? No. But it is really good for the genre that Gears belongs to. In my opinion, it's the best in the series, and it's my favorite story I've ever played through in a pure third or first person shooter.
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