Ok so here is the deal what I need to know from people are the following (and I will go indepth with what the problem is with EACH of these things I need help with)
------ 1.) I need help getting RID of my access code in order to access my account more easily
------ 2.) I also need to know how I get my Xbox gamertag onto GS. . . . .for some reason all it will bring up is a cannot display web pag in my Xbox 360 spot and it gets annoying just seeing white I wanna see gold
problem with #1
So I wanted to set up an access code (like an extra password so my 360 couldn't become accessed so easily) it consist of you inputting either the dpad or any of the of the buttons. Pretty simple right? Wrong! I soon slipped with my dpad and input a code I had no clue what it was!!!! So I am left with everytime I sign out of my 360 I have to retrieve it through Xbox.com and that takes like 10-15 min this is not good when I am itching to play a match. So I am wonderng once I retrieve it from the site Xbox.com can I go BACK and erase my access code? If so that would be great and anything you guys can tell me would be sweet right now I am using a dummy account and it upsets me (cause I have a gmaertag with a name of GREAT importance and I need it as soon as possible
Problem with #2
Well pretty strait foward you guys I can't get the image of my 360 gamertag onto Gamespot its very frustrating and all and I used Xbox.com's instructions in order to put it in there but I came up with nothing I adressed this concern to my friend and she said it was the site and its down it should be there in awhile no need to worry that was nearly a month ago and I doubt the system in MY CASE is still down
SO! thats about it I know its alot but I would GREATLY appreiciate anyone answering my question again thank you fellow 36rs and happy gaming
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