Well, let me start this off by saying; I'm getting mad at M$. My 360 got the RROD about 2 weeks ago, butI was only able to send it in last wed. Well Yesterday, I got a new 360 from M$. I was impressed because it only took me a week to receive a new unit. I was really happy.
So, all happy and excited with my 360 back, I go and set it up on my t.v to play the orange box. Well guess what? The disk tray wouldn't open. So, I removed the faceplate thinking their was something blocking it. Well their wasn't. The only way I was able to get the disk tray open is by forcing it open. (I didn't break the tray off, just pulled on it so it would open.) I have no clue what's the source of the problem, but all I have to say is: Damn you Microsoft.
Anyway, has anyone experience this problem before and know how to fix it? If not....I'll be sending it in again to microsoft.
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