I made thislive gamertag on my friends 360 over the summer with a 1 month free trial, i just made a fun, stupid name so we can joke about it. (had no 360 backthen)But then, I started to get all these crazy hard achievements (ex. all Vidmaster Challenges on Halo 3) so when i got my own 360 in October, i used this gamertag, but I REALLY regret this name.
as1An B3aSt
Out of 10, 10 being horrible, how bad is my gamertag?
I have 2 reasons why I REALLY hate my gamertag
1. It has the use of numbers. It really makes me wonder what I was thinking when I made the tag. It's so unorigional, and if people tried to add me in school, they would be confused.
2. It has "asian" in it. Some people REALLY piss me off when they make some stereotypical crap about me, sayn I'm Chinese (which is wrong, cuz I'm Korean), and make jokes about it, sometimes funny, but sometimes straight out RACIST.When I take out my mic and talk, theybecome surprised cuz I dont have an accent.
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