Which one do you think is the best/weakest? For me:
1 Halo: CE
2. Halo 3
3. Halo 2
The campaign for Halo 2 wasn't really durable and some balance issues.
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Which one do you think is the best/weakest? For me:
1 Halo: CE
2. Halo 3
3. Halo 2
The campaign for Halo 2 wasn't really durable and some balance issues.
i liked halo 2 better then 3 just because there was better multiplayer. halo 3 just added new graphics to the game.iam2greenI didn't know that Halo 2 had Forge, Theater, Infection, VIP, Gravity Hammer, and the Brute chopper?
[QUOTE="iam2green"]i liked halo 2 better then 3 just because there was better multiplayer. halo 3 just added new graphics to the game.xXTalismanXxI didn't know that Halo 2 had Forge, Theater, Infection, VIP, Gravity Hammer, and the Brute chopper?
yes exactly...thats why halo 2 is better
I didn't know that Halo 2 had Forge, Theater, Infection, VIP, Gravity Hammer, and the Brute chopper?[QUOTE="xXTalismanXx"][QUOTE="iam2green"]i liked halo 2 better then 3 just because there was better multiplayer. halo 3 just added new graphics to the game.OnStar47
yes exactly...thats why halo 2 is better
I didn't know more options at your disposal and more weapons and vehicles was a bad thing.1. Halo CE- the absolute best multiplayer, even without live, LAN parties with that games were awesome and if you played on XBOX Connect... it was so fun
2. Halo 3- good graphics, good story
3. Halo 2- not good.
[QUOTE="OnStar47"]I didn't know that Halo 2 had Forge, Theater, Infection, VIP, Gravity Hammer, and the Brute chopper?[QUOTE="xXTalismanXx"][QUOTE="iam2green"]i liked halo 2 better then 3 just because there was better multiplayer. halo 3 just added new graphics to the game.xXTalismanXx
yes exactly...thats why halo 2 is better
I didn't know more options at your disposal and more weapons and vehicles was a bad thing. true datand i loved halo, the 4 player split screen was fun as hell at partys. not a fan of 3 i have just becuase you kinda have to own it if you have a xbox
1. Halo CE-Besides Mario, the original Doom, original Wolfenstein, and GTA III and on, I have never had so much fun playing a video game. The single player is the best of any first person shooter on a console in my opinion and the lan parties and splitscreen was so much fun with my friends. I really do miss those times.
2. Halo 2-Campaing was mediore compared to the first, but Xbox live was awesome. I like Halo 2 on Xbox Live much more than Halo 3.
3. Halo 3-Not a bad game by any means, but my least favorite of the series. Multiplayer has alot of bs compared to Halo 2 and Forge and Theater do appeal to me much.
Halo 2 expanded the Halo lore and explained the the reason for alien-human conflict; it also added hi-jacking, vehicle damage, and dual-weild all that made multiplayer an interesting and fun experience.
Halo CE changed the FPS genere by setting standards in melee combat and other control options that are now norm on the Xbox platform. It also had an interesting story.
Halo 3 butchered the storyline and stupidly spent large part of budget on polygonized water; however it introced epic scarab battles and 4-player online co-op. Can't forget about the map settings editor that is called forge.
I loved the first Halo game; story and multiplayer included. Even though it didn't have online multiplayer, just the local multiplayer games and LAN games were so much fun.
Even though Halo 2 was still a great game, I think it was the weakest in the series so far. Halo 2 was missing an ending. I guess it was cut from the game. I understand why some people liked switching between the Arbiter and Master Cheif, but I didn't really care for it. I liked the setup better in Halo 3 (you can play either one or some of the brutes if you go 4 players).
halo: CE - SP was so much fun to just replay over and over, a true classic. plus split screen multiplayer was great on xbox version. I have it for the PC and I boot it up sometimes just to replay the "Library" here and there.
halo 3 - online play is great and forge and theater are awesome additions. plus I rather enjoyed the campaign, the flood was weak though, bungie messed them up.
halo 2 - well I never really played this that much, seeing as I didn't have a xbox... but from what I've played of it, its good but not as good as either of the other 2. very good online though.
Halo Ce for PC. it was a spawn of a totally new way to play online gamesRJB1994
Absolutely the best halo game to play.
After that, Halo 3 for sure.
Halo CE: Overall amazing, my favortie shooter out there
Halo 2: Amazing multiplayer, but a lackluster campaign
Halo 3: Trys to focus on both multiplayer and single player and in result it doesnt have as good of a single player as Halo 1 or as good of multiplayer as Halo 2
Halo2 was by far, by far, by far, the game I'm most glad I played in my life. I never played Halo1, but I doubt I'd have liked it more than 3, which was wayyyyy far behind 2. Halo2 really had charm. Let players discover things, general excitement of trying to get high levels because they actually felt like they mattered, awesome maps, awesome interface...
When people say Halo3 is overrated I don't give a crap but I can't help but feel a little annoyed when people say that Halo2 wasn't good. If you think Halo3 > Halo2 you obviously didn't unlock Halo2's potential. Such a great game.
Haven't played a game like Halo2 since Halo2! Still waiting.
BTW, Forge is not nearly as fun as glitching was in Halo2 maps. The sense of discovery was amazing. Saved films would be cool in Halo2 since awesome stuff actually happened (remember Big Team Battles when people really cared about winning??? SO FUN), but in Halo3 nothing feels remotely exciting compared to Halo2. And playing Halo2 way after its release give zero impression of what the game was like near launch.
I dont like any halo games much. The story is bad, aliens attack earth so we defend.
Boring heard that a million times before.
The best parts of them were the music and multiplayer(if not overplayed)
But if i had to rate them it would be.
1. Halo CE
2.Halo 3
3.Halo 2
halo ce is the best by far then halo2
and halo3 was the worst game it sucked sooooooooooooooooo much
this guy has it perfect1. Halo CE-Besides Mario, the original Doom, original Wolfenstein, and GTA III and on, I have never had so much fun playing a video game. The single player is the best of any first person shooter on a console in my opinion and the lan parties and splitscreen was so much fun with my friends. I really do miss those times.
2. Halo 2-Campaing was mediore compared to the first, but Xbox live was awesome. I like Halo 2 on Xbox Live much more than Halo 3.
3. Halo 3-Not a bad game by any means, but my least favorite of the series. Multiplayer has alot of bs compared to Halo 2 and Forge and Theater do appeal to me much.
Halo: Combat Evolved was the best for me. After that Halo 2 and Halo 3 just got weaker weaker. Halo 2 atleast had a awesome multiplayer. Halo 3 is just better graphics and a few new stuff. I still think they should make a remake of Halo1 on the 360. pure awesomeness.I3looWhen your good at halo, 3 is the best MP experience of the lot.
Halo CE was by far the best!! I played it more than any other game bar none. The story was good, I enjoyed being kept in the dark and not bossed around by a 12 year old girl who said the stupidest line ever "where should they go?" reply "to war", I cheered when she died!!! any way besides that Halo CE had better balanced weapons, the plasma pistol was decent and fun to use, grenades did good damage as well as punching. Most importantly there was NO NOOB RIFLE, or the battle rifle what ever you want to call it...... A long range close combat weapon that destroyed the weapon balance, I utterly hate it with a Passion. In terms of level design halo CE was not as liner and ever battle felt different. The flood and covenant really went at it creating endless possibilities for a way to engage in a fight which i must thoroughly enjoyed. Example on final run a just sat there and watched the covenant and flood fight each other -they killed each other to the very last one, without me firring a single bullet. I must have played the level about a couple dozen times and it always turned out different. I expected with a covenant civil war to be engaging three sides.... but nope, just one room full of flood and then the next covenant or brutes. Also the flood just became lame... they just kinda showed up for cameo appearance and then i was stuck doing a horrible all flood mission.
Halo2 linear as hell, hated it. had good on-line before xmass, then every kid got it and NOOB RIFLE MADNESS, was created who needs skill......
Halo3, played beta and had a blast, assault rifle working like it use to, no noob rifles automatic equipped. level design was ok but, still to linear......They had to bring back battle rifles though again right around xmass...... and then it just became halo2 with worse maps. Glad they are not making any more because they will only disappoint.
-Hope they will make a remake of Halo CE one day with online....without that cheep pitiful excuse of a noob rifle messing it all up again. You want a gun like that play CoD4
Note: Multiplayer doesn't factor into this as I do not care about multiplayer (sans Co-Op, which while fun, doesn't factor into this either)
1. Halo 1. Revolutionary game that had it all, fantastic graphics for the time, made FPS on Consoles work, and work GOOD, spectacular vehicle system, epic story. The only stain was The Library, and even that didn't bring this game down below Masterpiece.
2. Halo 3. This game was average. For every good, epic moment, there was a lame one. The voice acting and dialogue reached high levels of cheese and eye rolling. The story was predictable and mashed together. But the gameplay and levels were pretty fun. Overall, nothing spectacular, but not bad. Some great moments, some low ones. Felt like it was just made for the multiplayer.
3. Halo 2. I was tempted to put this above Halo 3, but I just couldn't. The story was great, possibly even better than the first. The problem was, the gameplay was lacking. Or rather, the levels. I found myself wanting to blast through the gameplay to learn more about the political side of the Covenant. On the human side, it was somewhat the other way around. I didn't like the human story, but the gameplay was a bit better, especially battling on Earth, even though that was a bit dissappointing. Overall, also made for the multiplayer, but it had a great story, and some great levels, but most of the single player gameplay and levels were duds.
overall I say Halo CE. It revolutionized FPS, and without it, the Xbox wouldn't be what it is today. Halo 2 and 3 didn't change much. halo 2 followed up on the first, with nice multliplayer. halo 3 is Halo 2 with better graphics. Plus the storyline in halo 2 sucked.
Here's the list:
1. Halo CE
2. halo 3 (simply because it's just halo 2 with a few improvements)
3. halo 2
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