Yeah i agree
i rememeber those 32 players free for alll matches in PDZ where everyone were talking
now... i start to hear crickets, seriously, there is not even background music in 95% of the online games, is just boring sometimes
but, guilty as charged, i do use it, since most of my friends don´t speak English, im Mexican, and you know... there is always someone calling me Beaner, spic, etc
reporting me for talking in another language besides english, not kidding, i got a offesive laguage report in GTA4.... yes GTA4
well i hope you get my point , but i agree with TC
That's exactly my point. I've never really had a problem with the bad people on Live, again I have had problems with them but they aren't the most common people I meet. I think who you play with has a lot to do with the game. In Gears or Halo it's mostly going to be some kids trash talking because they just owned you, but in a game like say Bad Company or Team Fortress 2, those people are a lot more down to Earth. That's not to say they're perfect but for the most part they're other mature players. So I guess what I'm getting at is that all those people are gone. They are the minority and with the introduction of party chat why should they bother with the 10 year old hyped up on Mountain Dew?In that sense, yes, party chat is a god send and I would never give it up, but on the other, my friends list only has people I know from real life and the select few I met over Live. Back when Halo 2 was the game to be playing it was quite the other way around. In my opinion Xbox Live hasn't always been like it is today. When online console gaming was still getting it's feet under itself some random kid wasn't going to be on it and instead it was mature people for the most part. That's when you could meet some pretty cool people. Than the 360 really stream lined Live and it all started going downhill community wise from there, and now with party chat the chances of you meeting another person like you is slim to none because you aren't wasting your time being called a newb and neither are they.
And to Fadetoblack, indeed he is a Metallica fan. I started playing WoW this year to see what all the hype is about and hate. I have a level 61 paladin and find it the most mundane game out there.
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