it's one game that i've been thinking of picking up but keep hearing mix'd things about
for people who have play'd the game should I get it?
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it's one game that i've been thinking of picking up but keep hearing mix'd things about
for people who have play'd the game should I get it?
it's one game that i've been thinking of picking up but keep hearing mix'd things about
for people who have play'd the game should I get it?
This game is very opininanated around the people of the gaming community. Some will tell you yes and some will tell you no. Its selling for 30$ now and for that price you can't really go wrong. I would tell you to watch all the video's, read reviews and everything to see if you really want it. But for that price its not to bad.
PDZ is a great game. The reason you heard people b##ching about it is because of the story. This game is ok on the story I admit but the game itself is amazing. Many varied locations in many of the different missions make this an exciting experience. Also the Multiplayer is great. With soo many gametypes and weapons and levels, you will have lots to do. I dont know where PDZ is $30 at because it's under $20 in NJ. I just got mine for $17 at gamestop brand new.
do alot of people still play it online?? how does it look in HD?
for $20-30 (can) I might have to try it out, need something to keep me busy till next month
just got GH2 and its great but I can't play it for mor e than a few hours
thanks for the input
F.E.A.R.>>>>>>>>>>>>>and on to infinity>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PD0THETRUEDOZAH
really?? played Fear it was ok but nothing special
yeah, it's got a really fun multi-player. The campaign mode is okay. you might have to go through it a 2nd time to fully understand what's going onreubendarosa
it's one game that i've been thinking of picking up but keep hearing mix'd things about
for people who have play'd the game should I get it?
Perfect Dark Zero has a pretty short Story...
and the Online isnt good since most "people" on it are bots.
In simularity, I say Far Cry Instincts is your best bet.
I really liked it. Didn't really understand the story of it and it was kinda short but it is still a fun game with online and offline co-op, and online and offline multiplayer. I really don't know why so many people hate it.
I would have played it longer than i did, but i accidently scratched it in something stupid i did. Now it says disk read error a lot.
get it, before i bought the game everyone was praising this game, that's why i bought it, then all of a sudden to many it was like one of the worst games for the 360, i liked it tho
single player was very boring..
but PDZ still has the best multiplayer on the 360, so much variety as far as weapons, modes and maps, and lots of people still play it
F.E.A.R.>>>>>>>>>>>>>and on to infinity>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PD0THETRUEDOZAH
FEAR is the game that almost made me throw up!
I like the game, but it doesn't have any replay value at all.imakillaholic
I actually think it is one of the most replayable games on XBL. The darkOps missions are incredibly fun, especially infection (if you get good at it). I would say to rent it first though, the single player didn't do much for me (I only felt the need to play it through once), so if you don't use XBL you might have a problem there.
From what I hear its over rated, I say get Splinter Cell DA or Burnout Revenge. Both at 29.99 just like's one game that i've been thinking of picking up but keep hearing mix'd things about
for people who have play'd the game should I get it?
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