Can anyone confirm if they have had the same problem and if they managed to get it fixed through the Xbox 360 repairs centre. The problem is as follows:
1. I have a 360 with two wireless controllers each with a rechargeable battery and two play and charge kits. With the play and chargecables attached toboth controllers and connected via the two USB ports in the front of the 360.
2. When I turnON the 360 by pressing the Xbox Guide button on one controller,BOTHcontrollers turn ON.
3. If I try to turnOFF the second controller (with play & charge cable attached) by holding down the second controller's Xbox Guide button and selecting 'Turn off controller', the second controller's Xbox Guide button flashes for a few seconds and the controller still remains ON.
4. Only when I unplug the play & charge cable from the second controller and select to turn if OFF does it do so.
5. The same applies to the first controller as well.
The above issues now results in my controllers taking longer to charge as they turnON when the 360 is ON, and is reducing the battery life. Prior toa hardware failurethePlay & Charge kits acted as follows:
6. When I turnON the 360 by pressing the Xbox Guide button on one controller,ONLYthat controller turns ON. If the second controller requires charging then the red light is lit but the controller remains OFF. Or if the second controller is fully charged then a green light is show but the controller remains OFF.
7.With both controllers on and attached to the play & charge cables, if I try to turnOFF the second controller by holding down the second controller's Xbox Guide button and selecting 'Turn off controller', the second controller turns OFF and the red or green charge light is shown depending if it needs charging.
Now I am sure that my controllers/play & charge kits worked as mentioned in 6 & 7. I had sent my xbox for repair and it was replaced with a unit with exactly the same problem. So I sent it back again only to receive the same unit back again with the nothing done to fix the problem.
Can someone help me with this or let me know if they had the same problem before I go insane and shout at the xbox support centre!This only occured after a hardware failure and to both controllers/play and charge kits at the same time.
Any help will be appreciated.
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