Well I was on of the guys that won Gamestop's First to Play and was flown over to L.A. to play the game. I just wanted to share stuff about the game (This is from my blog, Gamespot wont let me post some pictures):
We play the multiplayer beta, we did team death match, and had only three maps. The controls were nice, I never had really had an Xbox 360 controller in my hand for this long so I had to get use to it. The buttons where well placed, I just had to make sure that I would hold the left trigger and not the left bumper (to zoom instead of throw grenade), I think those two buttons were too close but I got use to it.
The sounds were great! As you saw in my last blog, the headphones were very powerful and very good. It really did what a surround sound system could do but with just two speakers. The explosions, the guns, and just the ambient sounds. What I mean with ambient, was just hearing the faint sound of gunfire and grenades get louder and louder as you got closer and closer. Until one grenade would land right next to you and BOOM! Your left ear would just rumble with the sound coming in from the explosion. And what do you do, you pull the trigger and get the guy that just tried to kill you and both of your speakers would start to rumble with the sounds of the heavy machine gun you have. Yeah, the sounds and headphones just really made the game sound sweet! The graphics were top notch, from the explosions to the trail of smoke that RPG would leave. Everything look very pretty and detailed like your hands and weapons to the props in the map look very nice. Even with dynamic lighting, the game was running at 60 fps (That's what the developers said) I never saw slow down, just when I would get stun grenade to the face...okay on to the game!
We had three maps: Vacant, Crash, Overgrown. Overgrown was a bigger map set in a little farm town. Crash was in a middle east setting with a "crash" heilcopter in one part of the map. Vacant was in a small building with a access to the outside and attached to a small warehouse. The maps were chosen just because of the different variety and how you could use different tactics with different maps. Like in Crash, you were always getting shot from windows up above and you either had to go in the building and deal with the problem or throwing grenade also worked. However you can pick grenades up and throw them so that could go sour really fast so I would just shoot an RPG into the window. Vacant was all close quarters and that meant, small machine guns and shotguns. I always chose the shotgun because running around, room to room, you just don't know who will pop up next. Overgrown, you had to have you team carry different guns because it was open but there were buildings you could enter and you'd have to deal with close quarters combat. Something to note, like the demo in the Microsoft Conference at E3, the Gilly Suit really works! See, the radar picks up you and your team only. While the other team is only spotted when they shoot but the map only shows were they fired their gun, kinda like sonar. So you could be a sniper and no one would see you on the radar. Really! I was fight this guy with my teammate when he was shot, I look at my map and this red dot pops up and fades away. So look back at the main view and I didn't notice him until he moved and sure enough there he was laying down, in the grss by this truck with Gilly suit (He was the sniper clss) so a shotgun to face ended that. I also I noticed that with each map the teams were wearing something different. In Overgrown, they had more camo on, well the teams didn't stick out, they blended in nicely. In Crash, the US team had desert uniforms, like the ones they wear in Iraq. The other team had more of a MGS4 look, they wore some armor with a bunch of pockets (The teams still both played the same, they just had a different look to them). All the guns looked good and played a little different. The shotgun would literally be a one hit kill when you got up and personal to someone. But shoot it from just far enough and very little is done. The carbine on the other hand had very good distance, did short burst fire, but did do damage. Then there was the heavy machine gun, reload took forever, but when you spotted the enemy, you could unload on him and hiding behind a wall would not even matter. Yes, you can shoot threw walls, the developers said it was all calculated through balistics so based on the weapon and thickness of the wall, some guns will shoot through crates with ease. Another thing I wanted to mention some things about death. Dying can be interesting, mainly when you die instead of the camera panning to enemy, you get the KillCam. You actually see what the guy that killed you was doing, what weapon he was using, basically see his screen before he put that bullet threw you. Sometimes when you die, there is this cool animation that plays in which you leave your finger on the trigger and you shoot up in the air. I think that only happens when you are in a fire fight because if you don't get a grenade out of your hands before you die, you drop it and the enemy might actually walk into its blast radius. However sometimes you don't die, if you have created a clss with one of the Perks being Last Stand, you get to pull out a pistol, you are bleeding to death but you can get some shots off at your would-be killer before you go. Its funny because your on the floor and some people don't notice you and shooting them too is fun until they shoot with their machine gun and really kill you... You can create a clss with one main gun, side arm, different attachments for both, you can even change the camo color on your gun, but you have to unlock it. See some stuff like create a clss you have to unlock, in multiplayer, by leveling up or getting promoted. You do this by just killing people and other stuff I don't know about. So when you get promoted to a high enough rank you get create a clss and were you get promoted some more you get more weapons to choose from and more attachments and even more perks. Perks come in three categories, in multiplayer (don't know about it in single player), equipment perks, average perks, and unique perks (don't know their real names). Equipment Perks is one of the three categories in create a clss you can choose for you guy to carry. For this Perk, you can choose C4 and RPGs (Some were locked and I didn't pay attention to the others). The average Perks were like make your bullets more powerful and more health. The unique Perks err..well this one I just focused on the Last Stand perk. There are other perks while playing the game, like if you get three kills in one life you get a probe to scan the map but its still like sonar and you see all the enemies last positions. When you get five kills, you get an air strike. The map pops up and you get to choose a location and three planes past by and drop some bombs and if your not in a building you will die. In a seven kills, you get a gunship flying around the battlefield. And this helicopter, really causes damage for a while but it can be shot down so there is hope for the other team.
If you have questions, I'll come back and try to answer them. Check out my blog for more pictures.
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