if have a few Australian friends but when i try to play with them the whole game turns into a lag fest. I live in the UK and can play with people in the US, Europe and parts of Asia with no lag at all, but Australia and New Zeland lag like mad. How come the have the worst connection.
if have a few Australian friends but when i try to play with them the whole game turns into a lag fest. I live in the UK and can play with people in the US, Europe and parts of Asia with no lag at all, but Australia and New Zeland lag like mad. How come the have the worst connection.clyde46
IF you go to speed test.com and test your connection on a Australia server you will see that its very very slow, now for the reason i don't know.
Compared with the rest of the world we have pretty dodgy internet connection (24mpbs d/l, 1.5mpbs u/l) with caps (mine being 80gb month which is HEAPS for aussies).
But honestly i dont get much lag, if any when playing Gears, CoD 2/4 and stuff like Vegas.
if have a few Australian friends but when i try to play with them the whole game turns into a lag fest. I live in the UK and can play with people in the US, Europe and parts of Asia with no lag at all, but Australia and New Zeland lag like mad. How come the have the worst connection.clyde46
Several things. 1 opposite side of the earth, 2 they're in the middle of the ocean and rely on a single cable to the US for bandiwdth 3. There is monopolies there which severly restrict upload speed meaning servers there are almost impossible for many.
haha i live in Australia and when i play online with other people from Aus, andaround the world i experince no lag. And on this point yeah we might haveslow internet but i dont notice anthing. Maybe its coming from your end Mr.Pommy Boy;P. Oh and on that note this convo sucks:D:D
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