We already have two Forza threads both made today, no need to spam the board with yet another Forza 6 thread. What I do is I just look before I make a thread.
1.) The Gamespot Review Of Forza 6 Is Ridiculous
2.) Extremely Positive Forza 6 Review!!
No need to dupe threads on the board or bring up other consoles on the Xbox Board.
On topic, although I said this in the other thread:
I can tell you that Forza 6 is sitting at a 88/100 at metacritic (should go slighly down in the next few weeks) and the GS F6 review is an 8/10 which is very close to Forza 6's metascoring average.
Forza 5 on the other hand was clearly lacking content and features as it was a rush launch job and F5 was punished by reviewers garnering a much lower 79/100 at metacritic. Yet at GS they gave the game a 9/10. If there is an argument to be made, it's more for vastly overrating F5 at GS rather than underrating F6 at GS.
In other words, people should have been outraged at the F5 review instead of the F6 review.
Also, standards change, expectations are higher. Remember, reviews are just someone else's opinion. That said, the F6 review is darn close to the metascore. If there was a mistake (assuming we can label opinions mistakes), it was with Forza 5 being overrated, not Forza 6.
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