Please...if your name involves "Xx", "xXx", "oOo", or any of the kind, or even AnNoYIng CaPITalZ, change your name. Please. Your name doesnt look cool or badass. Your name doesnt sound like that of a pro player. Seriously. Change it. Its annoying as hell when you want to add someone but their name is in friggin gibberish like, "XSkYLExCl4nxXo0".
Infact wait. The "xXx" is actually legit. You cant find a name that you want, but adding "XXX" infront of it makes the name unavailable so that you can reserve it But wait. You already have it. Why THE HELL do you have to make things worse by using CAPITAL LETTERS, "xXx" AND excessive use of numbers?
Please. Do your part as a Human being and make sure that your name is legible.
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