So I plan on buying a videogame in the next couple of days. Should I get Halo:Reach Battlefeild bad company, or Medal of honor? Or should i get a different shooteer game? I already have mw2. Any recomindations are welcome.
I haven't played Battlefeild Bad Company two or Medal of honor but i have played Halo:Reach. In my opinion, Halo:Reach is a great game, with a balance of an Epic campaigne and a variety of exciting Online matches, then you can't go wrong :)
depends on what kind of game you like. if you like military shooters then id say bad company 2. imo reach is the best game out of those 3. it also gives you the most content for your money. i picked up medal of honor a few days ago and it doesnt come close to the other two games you mentioned. i was pretty disappointed by it.
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