I recently just bought a used copy of NBA 2K6 for my new 360 elite. I put it into my elite to play it and after about 2 minutes of gameplay, it gave me all of the achievements without doing anything and gave me crib credits every 10 seconds. When I scored 2 points with a player, it would pop up that I scored 100 with that player etc. I took it back to gamecrazy because I thought it was broken, they guy in there wanted to see it for himself, but it worked perfectly fine on their premium 360. He told me I could still return it but the other copies of 2K6 that they had were scratched a lot. I told him that I'll do a little bit of more reaearch on it before I decide if I want to return it for store credit or not. I thought It was my elite at first but then I read on a board on Xbox.com that a couple of other people were having the same problem as me when they played NBA 2K6 on their Elites. So is this a glitch in NBA 2K6 that it won't work normaly on the Elite? If somebody has a copy of 2K6 and an elite, also a premium, try the game in both consoles and tell me if it starts going craxy on the elite. Please help! Also, should I return it for store credit?
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