Before you ask, yes I have a similar thread in the PS3 forums. I have a 360 as well as a PS3 I thought I'd split this question between the two forums because I didn't think it'd be appropriate asking which PS3 games I should cut in the 360 forums. Anyway, due to recent unexpected and severe financial strains (car accident, if you must know), I can no longer afford my rather extensive list of preorder games. I need to cut at least one game, probably 2 to be safe, because I really do need that extra $60-$120. I can cut either from my 360 list or my PS3 list, I'm trying to decide right now. But for now please just give me suggestions on which of the following games I should cut:
Mass Effect
Army of Two
Guitar Hero
Fable 2
Blacksite: Area 51
Halo Wars
Fallout 3
Now I may end up not cutting anything from my 360 list, but because I HAVE to cut at least one game, I can't afford to take anything off the table. If I had to cut one of these games, which one would you suggest?
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