40in Samsung LN-S4051D LCD HDTV, Microsft Wireless Steering Wheel, HD DVR, Samsung BD-P1000 Blu-ray player, some xbox games, spherex 5.1 surround sound, XBOX 360, Wii, POS3, XBOX 360 games(54 total IDK if they are all there), Wii games(zelda, cod3), POS3 games(fn3, nba 07, nba 2k7, resistance, 8 xbox 360 controllers(4 wireless, 4wired (ones black)), 3 POS3 controllers, wii controller, 3 normal xbox 360 headsets, motorola madden headset, wireless 360 headset, bluetooth motorola headset, xbox 360 quick charge kit.
Phillips HD DVD player, xbox 360, hd reciever, 2.1 logitech speakers with subwoofer, 23in Samsung LN-S2352W
Custom built pc (4gb DDR3 Ram, Windows Vista Ultimate, 512 MB ATI Radeon X1800xtx, 600gb hdd, amd 64Â 3700+ cpu), 20in Samsung Syncmaster 910mp monitor(mounted), black zune, my sidekick3.(New pc coming feb 10th xps 710h2c), also got a hp dv9000 laptop not in the pic though.
36in Sony Trinitron, some other 20in tv no one uses, n64, 2 pos2, gamecube, some pc games.
xbox 360(not hooked up yet, POS2(not hooked up), xbox should be there somewhere, 40in Sony Bravia KDL-V40XBR1.
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