My wireless controller gets disconnected when I play Halo 3 online. Wheneversomeplayer interacts with me (shoot at me or whatever) the controller getsd/c.Is it some kind of glitch or is my controller faulty? I dont have any other games so I dont know if it only occurs when playing Halo.
My wireless controller gets disconnected when I play Halo 3 online. Wheneversomeplayer interacts with me (shoot at me or whatever) the controller getsd/c.Is it some kind of glitch or is my controller faulty? I dont have any other games so I dont know if it only occurs when playing Halo. brodelin
It's the first I've heard of this so I'd say it's your controller/console rather than a glitch. Em make sure your controller is fully charged and check both the emitter and receiver for signs of damage. If all checks out then take it back to where you got and see if they will give you a replacement or something.
This happened to me, I ended up having to repackage the whole 360 going back to Best Buy and replacing the controller. The good news is they gave me a lot of batteries for the trouble.
Maybe its the controller afterall. Its just strange that it d/c only when Im in combat and getting hit. Its even stranger that it d/c when im getting hit by a certain player. But it must be a coincidence (or however its spelled)
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