With Essemble closing down, Halo Wars will be a last game they will be working on. Halo Wars will be inevitably hyped because people will reflect on what the original Halo did for console FPS. Now we will see what Halo Wars will do for Console RTS games. I guess it would be appropriate to make a poll after the demo (coming February 5) comes out, but it's still interesting to hear what people think right now.
My predition: 8.5 rating
- I believe they will intergrate control schemes well, I am pretty confident about that, expecially that they are developing this for the 360 exclusively.
- The reason I couldn't imagine it getting above a 9.0 is that it won't particullarly have any stand out aspects as an RTS game.
- The game is less based on base management and more on fighting and combat, managing your base should be a breeze in this game.
- Combat will be fluid and fun
- Essemble studios which is a very good company, is closing right after they finish this game....so my question is "who's going to update it" I was skeptical about that.
- This game seems to use the licesense as levarege, but this is just more of my paranoia.
- It's not like this game will be the greatest thing since bread, or Chia Pets, or whatever you think is epic.
Buy, Rent, or Pass IMO?
I can defidently see myself getting this game because I don't even have a single RTS in my game library yet. I hope essemble works hard on it, but I don't want to set my expectations ridiculously high. This will be a great game, but I couldn't see it as immediatley contending for GOTY.
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