I have never played portal but from what i see Portal 2 looks pretty good. Im just wondering from the people who had the first one is it a good game. Do you think it is a game worth 60$ and that i should go get it? Im on a tight budget and want to make sure it is a game worth getting because i do not wish to waste my money.
I loved portal 1, but I'm not purchasing portal 2 at launch for a few reasons. Although they said the campaign is twice as long as the first (so maybe 5-6 hours?) I don't have anyone else getting it so I won't be able to use the co-op feature, a major selling point. I'm not into replaying the game to beat my previous record, or trying out mods and other challenge maps. I have a lot of games on my backlog and I don't really replay games to start with. I will eventually pick it up, but not at that price point since for me it will be a single player only experience. I suggest you try out Portal 1, TC.
I think you should try out Portal 1 first. It's on the XBLA. At least play the demo. If you like it chances are you'll like Portal 2. Also make sure you have someone to play with, I don't think the singleplayer alone will be worth it, the co-op looks amazing.
i played portal in the orange box and it was pretty fun but i cant see this game being worth $60. I mean the game is mainly a puzzle game so once you figure out the puzzles and such, what is there really to do?
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