I remember your age well. In all honesty, enjoy gaming while your young. I think it was more fun and magical than it seemed as I got older. Good grades could help you in regards to college but really, so long as you can graduate HS, you can get higher education...I did. I had a C/D average throughout 2-12 grade.
It's your money. You worked for it, your mom did not. But understand she wants you to have it better....but sorry to say that $580 isn't even chump change in the real world, saving it for the future is going to do what exactly? Help you retire? Buy you a brand new car? A home?.....LMAO. My last months credit card payment was over $700 alone so don't be too concerned that $580 should go towards your future, it might barely pay for 1 month's dorm rental in college. Life isn't hard, it just takes consistancy and priorities but you're in HS, enjoy that age for everything it's worth because it's a fun age...age of stupidity too but fun.
I grew up poor, worked throughout HS and bought whatever I wanted. I'm mostly self taught, more so than the sorry educational system has done. I partied hard in college but so long as your the type that can be consistent and focused on priorities, it's not a big deal. So go out and buy your Xbox. For me it was a Sega CD and later the Playstation....and I enjoyed the hell out of them. As I got older, I got really finicky about the games I play nor do I have as much time...so might as well enjoy it.
For me now, those memories of Playstion, N64..etc are well cherished and I often replay those games I enjoyed so much back then, I'm sure you will too .
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