I think you are one of the few. It seems to be generally accepted that the 360 controller is more comfortable, or it could just be a coincidence that when ever it comes up everyone at the time seems to choose the 360 controller. My cousin owns a PS3, & I can't stand the controller for anything but fighters because of the better D-Pad.
Everyone else about the controller feels worse, the X, O, Square & Triangle don't 'feel' as good as the Y, X, A & B on the 360, the triggers are hands down better on the 360, & every time I try the analog sticks on the Dualshock I always try to imagine playing a shooter on it. I played FIFA 10 & my cousin said you couldn't change the controls, which I doubt, but I ended up using the analog sticks for movement anyway. Ruined the game for me. I doubt there is a PS3 controller for the 360 because Sony may have a patent on it, & I doubt the people that made it wouldn't make enough profit with such a niche market.
Edit: And it's so light! It feels so much cheaper than the 360 controller.
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