To start showtime mode you just press both bumper buttons simultaneously and then start wrecking. You can hit boost to bounce your car to hit others...the boost meter fills up for this when you hit other cars, and buses count as multipliers
I have a question for those that have played this game. I really like Burnout games but my only complaint is when you are doing the Tour Mode and doing the Crash events...when you wreck the camera angles are so messed up that you think you are going one way but actually going another. Have they corrected this? I wish is was more of a free roam camera that was quick to allow you to see everything so you know where to deflect your car once you blow it up.
I dunno about own the road, I'm still attempting to figure that for drdrillnfill's question, the camera angle's are pretty nice once you enter showtime mode or wreck, and during gameplay you can actually control the camera angle with the right stick.
thanks for the info guys i was trying to figure this showtime thing out as well. i will be crashing in showtime tonight. BTW what does everyone think of this game. i personally am loving it
Love it. I havent done a single showtime event yet and have no idea about the own a road events either. But thats because im haveing too much fun driving around like a maniac.
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