[QUOTE="mike4realz"][QUOTE="Ironre5"] heyguysIhaveaquestionaboutresidentevil5. Willitbetheendofthestorylinestartedinresidentevil0,ordoyouthinktheywillendonacliffhangerandmakearesidentevil6. doyouguysalsothinkthatwewillgetaresidentevil2remakewithresidentevil4controls.Ireallyhopesoasthiswillmakemejumpwithjoy. Eversinceiwasatoddlerialwayswantedtoplayresidentevil5.Idaydreamedaboutitanditwasallgood. Theyseemtobelivinguptotheirpromisesandthatsagoodthing.
Hey guys I have a question about resident evil 5.
Will it be the end of the storyline started in resident evil 0, or do you think they will end on a cliff hanger and make a resident evil 6?
Do you guys also think that we will get a resident evil 2 remake with resident evil 4 controls? I really hope so as this will make me jump with joy.
Ever since I was a toddler I always wanted to play resident evil 5. I day dreamed about it and it was all good. They seem to believing up to their promises and that's a good thing.
Awww dude you almost got it...except for the bold part which should read- be living....not beliveing
ahaha...good catch...i thought i got erything good. haha
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