I am one that would love to see FF make it to the 360. The franchise is still very strong though. I have heard great things about FFXII. Its the only one I never got to play. I traded my PS2 in for a 360 when FFXII was released.
Now some you can sit here and argue about which FF is better. Remember though it is all in opinion.
FFVII is remembered because it made RPGs popular in the states. The graphics were amazing for its time. My only complaint for FFVII was they screwed up the translation from Japanese to English, and made the story difficult and confusing at times. FFVII is however one of my favorite RPGs of all-time. The battle system alone was one of the best, imo.
FFVIII's is probably my least favorite out of the PSX era. They story to me got boring, and is the only FF (other than I, II, III, V and XII) that I have never beaten.
FFIX was way too easy for me. The side boss for IX I believe his name was Omega, the big sphere thing, was easier than the final boss. I did though like the story and thought it was pretty decent. The same goes for X and X-2, way too easy, but I did enjoy the continuing story.
Now my favorite FF game is a tie between IV and VI. I love these games and their remakes on the GBA are even better. These are to me the most challenging FF games ever.
I would love to renew my love for FF on the 360, but for some reason I don't think it would be the same as before if it came to the 360.
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