After counting all the votes in the voting thread, I have came up with the results. This was just a survey of about 65 people so don't scream "OMG, this guy is teh bias"!!!!! Anyways, here are the results:
- Gears of War (380 pts)
- Call of Duty 4 (355 points)
- Halo 3 (293 pts)
- GTA IV (285 pts)
- Bioshock (230 pts)
- Mass Effect (194 pts)
- The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (173 pts)
- The Orange Box (146 pts)
- Assassins Creed (95 pts)
- Rainbow Six Vegas 2 (64 pts)
- Rock Band (56 pts/tied for 11th)
- Forza Motorsport 2 (56 pts/tied for 11th)
- Guitar Hero 3(53 pts/tied for 13th)
- BattleField Bad Company (53 pts/tied for 13th)
- Rainbow Six Vegas (53 pts/tied for 13th)
- Lost Odyssey (46 pts/Dead Rising should really be #16)
- Ninja Gaiden 2 (40 pts)
- Viva Pinata (34 pts)
- Call of Duty 2 (29 pts)
- Crackdown (27 pts)
- Saint Rows (25 pts)
- Devil May Cry 4 (23 pts/tied for 22nd)
- PGR4 (23 pts/tied for 22nd)
- Dirt (19 pts)
- Lost Planet, NBA 2K8 (17 pts/tie for 25th)
EDIT: I just realized that Dead Rising had 50 pts. I missed it when I was going through the huge list of gsmes. It should really be #16 but I don't feel like making a full edit. I guess this list is now the Top 26 Xbox 360 Games:)
NOTE: To keep the list ordered, I had to list ties in several different places (ex: the tie for 13th).
Thank you to everyone who participated in the survey. As I said before, this isn't 100% accurate (especially near the bottom). Everyone has their own opinion.
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