Who would like one of these games? I think it would be awesome!
OK Computer would be really fun to play especially Paranoid Android, Karma Police, Exit Music (For A Film), No Surprises, Lucky and The Tourist... let's just say the whole album LOL.
This could also be a great opportunity to introduce new instruments and it could expand upon that keyboard thing Rock Band 3 has going for itself...
Street Spirit (Fade Out) and 2 + 2 = 5 are other songs that would be amazing to play and Harry Patch (In Memory Of) would be fun to sing...
What would also be great is if they were able to add an entire concert on there under the extras... that would be awesome!
Something that would be unique is if Radiohead also wrote a song exclusively for this game and you have to unlock it to play/hear it.
Anybody for/against this?
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