I can never seem to get good at this game...
You guys got any tips....
oh and this for multiplayer
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Start out with an MP5N. Make sure you got a decent amount of armor. Keep playing maps like Calypso Casino since its easy to get used to that one. When I started I used to wait at places I know people would pass by. I would take cover behind a wall, wait for themto get to a medium range from me (not close enough so they can use a shotgun but far enough that when you start shooting they can't get back to cover), and then pop out and shoot. If they do take cover, use a frag grenade.
it takes awhile to get used to, but once u get enough experience u'll know how to react..where to be, what gun to be using etc...im an elite thats been playin since december last year..absolutely sweet game, after playin this i became addicted..dropped halo 2 in a second for an actual good fps.
you'd be surprised how much terrorist helps on your response skills, and it'll get ure xp up for unlockables
Well.. Forgive me if i'm wrong.. but arent games supposed to entertain you? if you're not having fun.. Put it down and practice.SirTak
yea online.. everyone i play is experienced and beat the hell out of me,,, Or maby im just not ment to be good at this game? lol
People have been playing longer. Don't worry,keep your head up and just practice.SirTak
Yeah, this game is all about practice...ALL about practice
I can never seem to get good at this game...
You guys got any tips....
oh and this for multiplayer
Use the MP9, it has the fastest rate of fire and its a good weapon.
When you're shooting at someone don't bother trying to dodge, just crouch, stay still and fire away with a concentrated burst. Most people will go down from this.
Remember you need to shoot from a stable position so stop, crouch and fire.
It helps if youve got 7+ armour as well so you can soak up a few hits.
There'll still be times when you die with one hit though, a headshot is a headshot
Get used to the maps dude, that's my best advice.
I play player sharpshooters with my buddy alot, and just play the same map for awhile.
It's really fun, when it's just the two of us, it's really really tactical, we try to read eachothers movements and stuff :P
Dude personally, when i wear armor, i die just as fast as i do with no armor, so no armor is the way to go, id rather be faster. The gun i use is the famas, the famas to me, is the most overall gun, its the best gun long distance and the second best up close. seriously, go with the famas, or the mtar-21.and use a 6x scope, and try not to rely on your scope all the time, when your trying to kill guys kind of long distance, tap the trigger button instead of holding it down, and when your up close to a guy, hold the tirgger down. hope i helped...Brandon78125
Im a noob? HA, dude im an elite, ive been playing this game since january, dont call me a noob, armor sucks, you dont know what your talking aboutBrandon78125
What I did was to keep playing Terrorist Hunts with people, you gradually get to know people and play more and more with them. I found some great mates this way and just play with them all the time, you'll normally learn a lot of people that have been playing the game for a while longer than yourself :)
Good luck
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