Even though a lot of 360 fanboys are going to start flaming me here in just a second, I'm going to go ahead and state that I think that Nintendo should've done it's best to keep Rare. Why? The only Rare games that appeal to me were classics like Donkey Kong Country (the first one), Banjo Kazooie, etc. (basically, almost everything they've produced on the Nintendo consoles) They also made Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, and Conker's Bad Fur Day for the N64 very high quality games, but once Rare got sold to Microsoft, everyting that Rare was well known for went down the drain. And you can also notice that Conker Live and Reloaded was a remake Bad Fur Day, with better graphics and *shudders* censorship. It's like, Microsoft is giving them a bad influence or something.
I don't know really what to say, back when Rare was with Nintendo, they were untouchable when it came to developing quality games, but Microsoft gave Rare a bad rep once they got sold to them (Microsoft).
I also think that Nintendo should have kept rare, because Donkey Kong is Rare and Microsoft isn't making any new Donkey Kong games. If nintendo had kept it they would have made another DK game by now.
But, I do think that microsoft will do a good job on the new Banjo game.
I also just saw on E3 that the original banjo will come to the xbox live arcade.
So overall no, I didn't find it a waste of money for microsoft, but I still think Nintendo would have done better with Rare.
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