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will RB6 vegas 2 be worth my 60$ i all ready have the first and cod4 what do you guys think?NubPwner1
Did you like the first Vegas? If the answer is yes then why wouldn't you buy the new and improved version? It's only $60 bucks man, I am guessing that if you own a 360 with LIVE you are not really hurting for money. So, basically, if you liked the first one, swallow the price and buy the second one. You know you're going to anyway.
Heck yes! Did you play the first Vegas? The campaigned sucked something fierce but online was a blast. I still prefer it to COD4 online even though I haven't played it in a while. xxxMoreBeerxxx
The campaign was fine. I got a bit tired of the environtments but it was good.
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