so last night i went to a buddys and recoverd my gamertag.while on my way home he deleted it off his was never deleted off mine.i went to recover it and it was a no go.i know xbox is having problems right now.but here is my question. all of my points and achievements will be in tack right? thanks
same thing happened to me... i just left my 360 alone for about 2 days and tried again and it worked fine then.. so just be patient... ju probably wont need to wait as long as 2 days, but if it doesn't work then, then you should call support. . .
Its for security, you have to re-sign in with your e-mail and everything!!! So no one uses your profile!!!
I do it all the time with my friends! then when they want to use it again, even thow there gamertag is still on my xbxo360 they have to retrieve there profile!
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