After hunting grizzly bears near Tall Trees region in Red Dead, I went to sell all of my furs at Manzanita Post. I had these items in my inventory for sale when I went to the shop in this order:
Hummingbird sage
Bighorn meat
Bighorn skin
Boar meat
Boar skin
Deer meat
Deer skin x 2
Fox meat
Fox fur
Grizzly meat x 9
Grizzly claw x 5
Grizzly tooth
Grizzly furs x 9
Grizzly heart x 2
Rabbit meat
And I went down the list selling everything in order, skipping 1 Deer skin. After doing so, then going back to the Deer skin to sell, I had an unlimited amount, allowing me to continue selling it until i pressed the 'B' button in order to go back to the game. I will try this with other items in different orders and see if it still works. More updated guides to come. Very easy "More than a fistful" achievement which is earning $10,000 in single player. Thanks for reading!
(This had been tested twice, and it works exactly the same. Let me know if you have the same luck trying with other items, less items, different orders, etc. Thanks again!)
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