I've sent mine in a total if three times, and I finally decided to just buy a new XBox 360 Elite and get the in-store replacement plan at GameStop. I sent my first unit in (purchsaed in JAN 06, built in OCT 05) after it failed in September 2006. I got it back (the same unit), and it failed within 24 hours. I sent that one in. I got a different unit back, It lasted about three or four months (from late October 2006 uintil February 2007). I sent that one in, and got a different unit back. I had to fight with MS to prove that I did have an extended warranty that I had purchased from them when I go the second unit back and had been charged for it. They claimed they had no record of it and were trying to make me pay for the repair. Even after I proved to them that they had charged me for the extended warranty, they failed to ever send me a hard copy of the warranty paperwork, even though they promised to do so, and I was dealing with the so-called escalation team, not the standard first-call support center.
When the Elite came out, I called my escalation team member back and told him (by voice mail) I had never received the hard-copy warranty that he was supposed to send, and that I wanted to know if I bought an Elite if the warranty could be transferred to the new unit. I asked him to return my phone call, never got a phone call back.
I finally got tired of dealing with them (ok, i was actually tired of dealing with them a long time ago), bought the Elite, and bought the in-store warrantly regardless because I never wantewd to thave to speak to another freaking MS phone support rep ever again.
- Vr/GulliverJR.
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