when I shipped it my xbox for repair was NTSC and I'm not sure if the one I got back is NTSC or PAL as I sent it to the European repair Centre, I don't want to risk plugging it in with or without the adapter so does anyone know how I can check the diffrerence?
look if ur power adapater dont work for your xbox then the end will be different and it wont plug in. ive had a few 2nd xboxes i bought off people for cheap and sold on and trust me different models (on about the parts inside) often have a protective part on the power plug that stops you plugging a power pack that will fry ur xbox in. did you check that the serial number on the xbox you recieved has changed? as normally you get your xbox back unless on the letter they say its a replacement xbox. best option if u need to know for sure and dont trust no posts on here is to phone xbox and ask them about it and they will id if its pal or ntsc for you. waiting for replies on a forum is a waste of time when u cud be pro active and phone them straight away. id start though by checking the serial number of ur old system compared to ur new one
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