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viva pinata, i mean not only do they talk but they...well u know
but seriously, probs bioshock on the first playthrough
honestly...i know you said not to, but Dead Space HAS to win this. It's not the scariest i've ever played of all time, but for 360, yeah.
To all who mentioned Condemned...i'd mention it too for lack of alternatives, but it's not as scary as some make it out to be. for the first hour or so, yeah, it's scary, but like many games, it really settles into a groove that you become used to. when you hear a bad guy running at you, you know to look behind you first. Also, the taser really makes things a lot easier, often makin you feel godly. it removes a lot of the franic nature from it. Combat becomes a routine and mechanical affair.
It's not a bad game, it's just not as scary as people make it out to be.
and to the guy who said Bloodshot sucked....nope, it didn't. I can understand someone saying that if they didn't like Condemned, but to like Criminal Origins and say Bloodshot sucked? Bloodshot, in my mind, delivered on the promises and expanded on didn't things that CO should've done and probably would've if it wasn't a near launch title.
Fear and condemmed!
Whoa (scary stuff!)
(Even though this isnt for the 360, Resident Evil on the psone scared me so much! Im looking forward to Res 5!)
Condemned: Criminal Origins was the scariest for me. FEAR was another good one. It didn't have as many scares as Condemned had, but the few it had were great, and made me jump. lol.
I also agree with Viva Pinata. It's more disturbing then scary since it's an inbred garden of doom where cute Pinata's kill eachother, and bone their parents.
Doom 3. I can't get myself to finish it cause it's so damn scary. sinistergoggles
Ha i remember that game. I nearly wet myself like a hundred times lol. The worst is when you see one guy but a zombie's hiding in a corner and you get ambushed or those freaking babies.
Far Cry 2
when you are aat the jungle and its midnight, u dont know where is the enemy...
jk, i;ve never played a horror game for the 360.. thats all
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