I heard from a relable source that Capcom may or may not be making a new game. It's based in the Resident evil universe but doesn't have anything to do with the main story. There's no story, you just choose from a selection of RE characters, like Chris or Barry and then you start off in an abandoned office building.
The idea is to get from the lobby of the building to the roof, where an evac chopper is waiting. All the building layouts are radomized, with about 20 different building models with thousands of possible different layouts for the interiour. You won't attacked by zombies or ganados though, instead you'll be relentlessly chased through the building by a number of special "boss" characters. So far the list includes the Tyrant, the Nemesis, El Verdugo, the giant Dr. Salvador, a powered up J.J. (guy with mini-gun from RE:4) and a powered up, running iron maiden regenerator.
All the boss characters will be virtually invincible; the weapons you can attain will have limited ammo and though you damage an enemy, it will only incapacitate them briefly, not kill them.
The size of the building, strength of the enemies, and the amount of availible ammo will be dependant on the difficulty. The harder the difficulty, the larger the building. On easy the building will be inbetween 20 and 25 floors, with decent ammo, and moderatly powerful enemies. On normal the building will be about 25 to 35 floors, with limited ammo, and powerful enemies. And on hard the building will be about 35 to 45 floors, with severely limited ammo, and extremely powerful enemies. The number of enemies attacking you is also dependant on the difficulty.
There may also be a co-op mode that can support 2 to 10 players. players can work together to escape the building and fight off the attacking enemies. All difficulties can be played, with the addition of a free mode that allows players to choose the building model, number of floors, number of enemy characters, the enemy character models, the number of weapons and weapon types availible, the ammo availible, the enemy strength, and even a time limit.
All the building floors are explorable, with shortcuts and interactive enviorments. Players start on the building lobby, while enemies, weapons, and ammo will appear on random floors.
It sounds fun and it would probably be a blast to try and escape from an abondoned building with your friends while being chased by the Nemesis and El Verdugo.
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