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LOL, I am stuck on the last setlist in rockband as well, but there seems to be some fun games coming out-SPECTER-MIKEIm not even good at Hammer-ons and those. I can do them if theyre spaced out but if theyre close together like in thsoe solo's EFFIN IMPOSSIBLE. I save my Overdrive for that moment and I still cant get it. Makes me angry :lol: Although a good song to practice those on is Hysteria by Muse if you have it.
lets see halo4Mainevent0024How bout HELL NO.
I cant stand playing Highway stars solo, the song is not that difficult then you hit that solo.-SPECTER-MIKEAgreed :lol: Hell, Green Grass and High Tides is a great song... Till the damn solo. :lol: I think the songs are going to be easy after a few seconds so I use the over-drive then it gets to the solo and I have none :cry: I save it now :P
[QUOTE="Mainevent0024"]lets see halo4stevenk4k5
I've never been much of a Halo fan. :?
Halo: Combat Evolved- Awesomelets see halo4Mainevent0024How bout HELL NO.
Amen to that... enough Halo, although im sure there will be another... im happy to see more people hate halo too!!
Star Wars Force unleashed looks awsome
Brothers in Arms Hells Highway will be a new type thing... i guess Rainbow six meats Call of Duty/Medal of Honor
Fable 2, not a big fan, but it looks good.
NHL 09 finally has Be a Pro Mode..
How bout HELL NO.[QUOTE="Mainevent0024"]lets see halo4gladi8or19
Amen to that... enough Halo, although im sure there will be another... im happy to see more people hate halo too!!
I dont hate Halo... What the Hell gave you that idea? I wouldnt mind if they came out with another one as long as it was actually as good as Halo: CE. Games are usually the only median where sequels get BETTER but Halo went downhill with every iteration. If it would be back to the standards of Halo: CE, then I'd love it.Some games I will probably get are, and I am not saying these are the greatest games just some I would like
Rockband 2
Fallout 3
Splinter cell 5
Bioshock 2
Too Human looks good to me. I know it has been getting hated on lately but it has immense potential and it is a new title. Also check out games like Dark Void and Fracture they have potential too. But we have to wait and see until they come out to see if it is a must have.bmcookie797
Haven't heard of Dark Void, I have to check that out. :) Fracture looks very gimmicky though, kinda like they slapped a new mechanic on a tired franchise.
I think they ruined Splinter Cell :cry: If they would revert back to Chaos Theory, that would be awesome cause that game was just amazing.Matt-4542
that game was one of my top 10 faves. i dunno what it was about it, but it was done to perfection. unfortunately, the voice of sam fisher quit so the game was delayed into 2010 i believe.
and on another note, i don't believe the games are bad this year, im actually quite hyped. my list for this year is :
GH4:World Tour
Fable 2
Fallout 3
COD:World at War
in terms of original games, nothing big has stood out to me. maybe Fracture or Too Human??
Summers usually suck for new games. They wait until the fall for release the hits because of the holidays. yucky_straw
Yeah that's true. I guess I remember summer gaming being alot more fun because 1.) I didn't have a job so I didn't get many games (as opposed to now, I have basically every major game that has come out) and 2.) Because I tried to cram all my gaming in before I had to go back to school. :\
What about Bad Company? Is that any good or just a flavor of the month?-SPECTER-MIKE
I want to get Bad Company I'm just debating whether or not to because it only has one online mode. Wtf, lol. And it's technically just another first-person shooter. The only difference is it has somewhat of a story and is comical.
The bucket is NOT getting dry. The bucket is FULL. If your a gamer thats buying everygame that drops at release, I can understand. I dont have the time, or the money to get EVERY game that drops. When I end one game I usually get another. XBOX 360 is the first console where I dont want to miss anything. They have a great deal of games still on my list that I have to finish. I had to go back and end Assassins Creed and Mass Effect. Now I have to go back and get Bio Shock, Kane and Lynch, also......Army of Two. The new releases that I have to get are Top Spin 3 and Battlefeild Bad Company.
As far as exclusives.......I understand. Gamewise....its no way the bucket is empty.
I don't really care about original games as long as they're fun. This year I'm looking forward to:
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (the ending has already been ruined for me, but I guess I'll still play it)
Infinite Undiscovery
Too Human
Soul Calibur IV
Fable 2
Fallout 3
And that's about it.
lets see halo4Mainevent0024
There isn't going to be a Halo 4 bungie said they were done with Halo after 3, now they might have other games where master chief will make like a cameo or something but nothing more.
[QUOTE="gladi8or19"]How bout HELL NO.[QUOTE="Mainevent0024"]lets see halo4Matt-4542
Amen to that... enough Halo, although im sure there will be another... im happy to see more people hate halo too!!
I dont hate Halo... What the Hell gave you that idea? I wouldnt mind if they came out with another one as long as it was actually as good as Halo: CE. Games are usually the only median where sequels get BETTER but Halo went downhill with every iteration. If it would be back to the standards of Halo: CE, then I'd love it.yea i know where u coming from...i never really played halo 1 multi that much but i loved halo 2 online...i understand why ppl hate halo 3 so much...stupid bungie tried TOO hard at being CREATIVE and messed up a game that was already good in my opinion. they should of stayed with the "if its not broken dont fix it" saying.Like they melee...who has less health dies???? wut kinda dumb move wuz that?? literally breaks the difference between better players. but like u said...i wouldn't mind seeing another halo IF ITS DONE RIGHT!
The lack of new, original games on the 360 depresses me. There is nothing I'm looking forward to coming out this year that isn't just a sequel (Besides Fable 2, I love Fable). Hopefully this years E3 will bring some innovative titles to the table.stevenk4k5
inovation doesn't sell, so why should a developer waste their resources on a invoative game? Personally I understand that people want something new, but overall no matter what developer do, gamers when whin like babies that " its just the same thing" or " why did they take ex and ex out of the game", if you are are expecting inovatative games from industry you should just stop playing games then, You will see some, but knowwhere near as many sequels that are more of the same thing.
[QUOTE="Matt-4542"][QUOTE="gladi8or19"]How bout HELL NO.[QUOTE="Mainevent0024"]lets see halo4metalica_rocks
Amen to that... enough Halo, although im sure there will be another... im happy to see more people hate halo too!!
I dont hate Halo... What the Hell gave you that idea? I wouldnt mind if they came out with another one as long as it was actually as good as Halo: CE. Games are usually the only median where sequels get BETTER but Halo went downhill with every iteration. If it would be back to the standards of Halo: CE, then I'd love it.yea i know where u coming from...i never really played halo 1 multi that much but i loved halo 2 online...i understand why ppl hate halo 3 so much...stupid bungie tried TOO hard at being CREATIVE and messed up a game that was already good in my opinion. they should of stayed with the "if its not broken dont fix it" saying.Like they melee...who has less health dies???? wut kinda dumb move wuz that?? literally breaks the difference between better players. but like u said...i wouldn't mind seeing another halo IF ITS DONE RIGHT!
WTF Do you expect?! :shock:I think that this is a good year for the Xbox. My list is
Battlefield:Bad Company
StarWars:The Force Unleashed
SoulCaliber IV
Fable 2!!!
Infinite Undiscovery
Too Human(if it finally comes out)
Call of Duty:World at War
Halo Wars
Brothers in Arms Hell's Highway
I don't really care about original games as long as they're fun...Trickshot771
Exactly - why should a game have to be the first in a series for you to look forward to it as being original?
I look forward to games I think will be fun and that I will enjoy. I really couldn't care less if it has a number at the end.
If you can't see anything in the next 6 months that interests you, then look at what games are out now that you haven't played and you will find something there that is fun. Look beyond shooters and you will find there are loads of great games
I don't really care about original games as long as they're fun. This year I'm looking forward to:
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World (the ending has already been ruined for me, but I guess I'll still play it)
Infinite Undiscovery
Too Human
Soul Calibur IV
Fable 2
Fallout 3
And that's about it.
This is pretty much all of the games coming out this year that i care about. Sure there's a few that look great not on here but overall with these games alone my year's complete.
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