My friends play it, but they're all FF nerds, and say that the games have the best stories ever put in games.... *cough*... LOL!!!
FF stories are like saturday morning cartoon stories! They suck all to hell and the characters are one-dimensional fan-meats!
Anyway, yeah, I hate JRPGs now. I used to love them, but then I realised it was because I had been brainwashed into thinking I liked them (probably like everyone else), and that I wasn't having any fun pushing a single button to watch a character run across the the room/field, hit the enemy, then pop back into place... nothing special, but a good hit to the face. Oh yeah, and sometimes you can miss for no good reason other than the fact that it's a dice rolling game... ooooow, this is fun playing a digital version of D&D with lots of dice rolling...
Again, all my FF friends play the hell out of this and think it's great, while I laugh at them and continue to play CoD4 and Mass Effect. And yes, I love Mass Effect. Yes, there are many things people dislike about it, but I come from an educated family, and I like story-telling and character development that doesn't require the main character to be comepletely voiceless and have spikey hair. Oh, and a REALLY big sword.... and a large group of stereo-typical FF friends...
I hate FF so much.
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