Now that Shadowrun is out, 'n I'm assuming people bought it, how does it play?
I never got the Beta, 'n Iuno if I wana spend $60 on this, so for those out there who bought it, how is it?
Graphics aren't the most important thing, but are they at least decent so I don't have to look at ugly textures and character models? Or are they terrible?
How are the animations? Do they move smoothly or are the characters really unrealistic (as far as elves and trolls can be realistic)
How is the gameplay itself? Do the characters run too slow, too quick, perfect medium? Is the gameplay more UT, Halo, or CS? Or some other game/combination?
All the new techs/equipment/magic, do any of it seem overpowering so everyone will use it? Or is it all balanced? Are any especially fun, any especially useless?
How is the lag 'n framerate?
In general, since gamespot doesn't have a review up yet, how would you rate this game? Also please factor in replayability and longtivity of the game? I know it's only the 1st day but many of these things can already be answered,,,
Anyways thanks in advanced,,
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