As a long time PC shooter player I've always felt the mouse and keyboard were the best control system for FPS games. As a recent XBox360 owner I've decided to brave the clumsy controls in order to play the Darkness which I think looks great.
So far I've been able to adapt pretty well to the dual stick inputs but they are a long way from being as natural as the Mouse/Keyboard.
I've noticed that once I get the aim close to my target it seems to lock on to them. Is this typical of most console shooters? It's probably the one thing that saves the aiming controls from being extremely frustrating.
Also, I'm having trouble getting used to the very slow rotation of the character. With a mouse I can quickly turn a 180 or change targets. There is a serious delay with the console controls that means I have to anticipate a lot more.
I may fuddle through a game or two but my hats are off to you guys that can really be effect with the very robotic like controls.
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