COD is a sweet game franchise and have no complaints and love playing the games, but do you think COD should add a cover system into their games? some what similar to R6V and GoW
my one suggestion for the gameplay would bo to add some sort of cover system instead of just hiding behind a rock or a crate or something. not necessairly to go to complete 3rd person view although that would be kinda sweet, just some kind to where you can peek out and take someone out around a corner or over the top of a create. Only because you need to expose yourself pretty good to have to shoot enemies and most of the time they are in cover and only sticking out alittle. And even if you just watch the other members of your squad in the campaign they hide and shoot around corners without exposing themselves that much and throw gernades around corners.
i think it would be a nice addition and a new element to gamplay.
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