I mean....i have a 360...that's why i am posting...i am experiencing a repair right now that's angering me a little bit, but i was getting to thinking....a ps3 wouldn't be bad to have...kinda like a just in case console ya know? Just in case my 360 breaks i have a backup console....wouldn't that be rad
But I am a middle class child in a middle class family who gets average grades so.....I don't know if I should ask for it for Xmas next year. The thing is though...the only thing we do FINANCIALLYÂ is go to the movies and I pick up 360 games i dont really need....so....maybe a ps3 would be a good move....i mean
I'm guaranteed to be getting all of the high profile games like bioshock and mass effect and halo 3 and gta IV when they come out so....maybe instead of asking for games i dont need like i did this year for xmas...i asked for nba 2k7, sc da, halo 1, dead rising, fear (i traded), and other games like that i'll just ask for a Playstation 3 with Resistance. Wouldn't be bad for my room.
But you think Santa/Parents whoever will go for it on Xmas?
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