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I go to MSU and it has a student body of around 45k spartanhockey
I would say bring it. I've taken my 360 every semester since I've had it and I've had no problems. Just keep your door locked when you aren't there and people don't have access to it...whether it be to play it or steal it. If you don't take it then you will be missing out on a lot of fun.
it depends.
Do you actually KNOW your roommates, or are you being roomed randomly with strangers? If so, then definately do NOT take the 360 with you.
Think about this.
You come back from class,you have a few hours of free time. So you go back to the dorm and find that 2 of your roomies are playing Madden. They've been playing since 11pm the night before. THEN, a bunch of their buddies come by, and they all want to play to. So they start making their own gamertags and logging into your account. You ask them nicely not to play the 360 too long because it could overheat, and they think you're an ass for being selfish about it. Or perhaps, you come back to yoru dorm one day, to find the 360 is still on and no one had bothered to turn it off for the past 24 hours. Maybe there's a party and someone steals it/steps on it, and they get on YOUR case for being so uptight about it.
Unless you know your roommates, your good friends with them and trust them with your personal stuff, don't bring the Xbox to the dorms. Seriously, someone is gonna steal it.
also... do you really really want to have that mentality of making sure to 'lock your room' everytime you leave? It SOUNDS simple, but it's really not that easy. Your roomies will think you don't trust them, and begin to dislike you, and theirk you're a tightwad. they won't want to be friends with you, and may become hostile. even if it's not personal, it doesn't really matter. do you want that stupid 360 always stuck in the back of your mind?
the things you own, end up owning you. You're MUCH better off not bringing it to the dorms.
did u people ever live in a college dorm? maybe you did and had a negative experience with them. However, last year i dormed and it was great, sure the person you live with is a stranger...for about a day or two, by then you guys are usually great friends. everyone fills out forms about a roommate agreement on what you can and cannot use of the other person's. If you are really thinking about not bringing it, that is sad. You will be missing out on crazy Halo 3 Lan Games and Madden Tournaments, which can be something to break the ice with some kids on your floor. There are also Resident Assistants too, to make sure the dorms run smoothly. Take the 360.legendofmitch
Roomate agreement? Resident Assistants to make the dorms run smoothly?
Yeah, that all sounds good in THEORY. But those room mate agreements actually strain relations between roomies even MORE. No one really observes the rules that closely to begin with. Seriously, if you have to make an room mate agreement with someone, then it's probably not a good idea to live with that person in the first place. Yes, I lived in the dorms for 5 years, and I was also an RA (resident assistant) for 3 years.
It SOUNDS like it's a good way to get a bunch of people together to play. Yeah, it kinda is. But remember, not all of your roomies are going to respect your property, especially when they arrive with nothing but see you with all of your cool Xbox360 stuff. I'd hate to say it, but that thing has a very high chance of being overplayed by roomies and his friends, getting stolen, or just stepped on or broken.
Unless you actually KNOW your roomates from high school or whatever, and totally trust them, then bring it. But serisouly wait for a month before you bring the 360 to the dorm if your adamant about it. Or FIND someone in the dorm who has one to and become friends with him, and later get a roommate transfer and live with that dude because he'll most likely respect your stuff as well. If nothing else, at least wait for a month before bringing it.
Besides, you're in college, you should be going to dorm parties and getting drunk with the cute babes. Not playing Xbox.
I go to a community college and there are no campus's but if there were I would never in a million years stay there, let alone in a room with a total stranger. I wouldn't bring your 360 anywhere near a college dorm room.-MlKE-
Sheltered are we? I bet you would never pick up a hitchhiker either
im going to get a apartment cause what if your roommate is a serial killer or psychoCaptain-Ichigo
my roommate is probably going to be my best friend so im not to worried about that.
[QUOTE="Captain-Ichigo"]im going to get a apartment cause what if your roommate is a serial killer or psychozeldafan00013
my roommate is probably going to be my best friend so im not to worried about that.
My roomate freshman year accused me of being racist (even though he was the kind of guy that took everything in a racist way). Here is an example of my racistness...he is playing Splinter Cell on my xbox (this was like 4 years ago), and he is climbing and jumping and stuff. I go, Jameson, you are dominating, climbing all over like a monkey. He then freaks out, runs out of the room and doesn't come back. I am like WTF. Little did I know (because I wasn't alive during the civil rights movement), monkey is a derogatory term for Africans. I was like, alright.
Anywho, it all worked out. He moved out second semester and I had the room to myself. On top of that, he moved in with a gay person from our floor. Could I really be that bad?
Anyways, he didn't steal anything or ruin anything of mine
I think the guy that said wait a while then decide was right on the money.
When I was in college I didn't stay in the dorm (I was 21 went I went back, and already had my own place). I have been in a lot of dorm rooms though. I've seen roomswhere I would leave a 360, and rooms where I wouldn't leave a dump. It really depends on the people.
And for whoever said they went to a college that had no locks on the doors...WTF? I wouldn't be able to sleep knowing any crazy bastard in the dorm could walk righ into my room.
[QUOTE="spartanhockey"]I go to MSU and it has a student body of around 45k SexyPorkins
I would say bring it. I've taken my 360 every semester since I've had it and I've had no problems. Just keep your door locked when you aren't there and people don't have access to it...whether it be to play it or steal it. If you don't take it then you will be missing out on a lot of fun.
I liked the post until the Go Hogs part............ Roll TIde!!!!!! Go SabanMost of you are completely retarded and are commenting without having attending college. All you do in college is go to class, study, get drunk/high, try and get laid, and most of all, hang out with your friends. You people who have not gone to college do not understand how much free time you have, especially if you aren't studying crazy stuff like engineering and what not. Your first semester especially you will be spending a lot of time in your dorm room because you are probably are too young to get into the bars and its not always the easiest thing to find a way to get alcohol either. That said, pretty much everybody plays videogames in college, even people who aren't usually gamers. You'll be up many a night playing videogames until 4 in the morning coming down from your high or getting sober, because there is nothing to do and you don't want to sleep. Your dorm room will have a lock and unless you're roomate is a total douche, I wouldn't worry about him messing up your xbox either.
And mario kart actually attracts girls, I'm not joking.
Most of you are completely retarded and are commenting without having attending college. All you do in college is go to class, study, get drunk/high, try and get laid, and most of all, hang out with your friends. You people who have not gone to college do not understand how much free time you have, especially if you aren't studying crazy stuff like engineering and what not. Your first semester especially you will be spending a lot of time in your dorm room because you are probably are too young to get into the bars and its not always the easiest thing to find a way to get alcohol either. That said, pretty much everybody plays videogames in college, even people who aren't usually gamers. You'll be up many a night playing videogames until 4 in the morning coming down from your high or getting sober, because there is nothing to do and you don't want to sleep. Your dorm room will have a lock and unless you're roomate is a total douche, I wouldn't worry about him messing up your xbox either.
And mario kart actually attracts girls, I'm not joking.
Well stated to a t. Plan on getting about 5 hours of sleep a night with quite a few all nighters a week. My freshman year I worked the night shift 4 of the 5 weekdays, had class from 8-4 (breaks in between of course), ate, played Halo LAN style with my floor EVERY NIGHT, and played hold em every single night. I literally got about 3 hours a night, and every week went 36 in a row without any.
It gets more reasonable once you are out of the freshman dorms and if you are a physics major and studying for the LSATS like me and have a job. Studying, girlfriend and class basically take up 90% of your time after freshman year so live it up
Most of you are completely retarded and are commenting without having attending college. All you do in college is go to class, study, get drunk/high, try and get laid, and most of all, hang out with your friends. You people who have not gone to college do not understand how much free time you have, especially if you aren't studying crazy stuff like engineering and what not. Your first semester especially you will be spending a lot of time in your dorm room because you are probably are too young to get into the bars and its not always the easiest thing to find a way to get alcohol either. That said, pretty much everybody plays videogames in college, even people who aren't usually gamers. You'll be up many a night playing videogames until 4 in the morning coming down from your high or getting sober, because there is nothing to do and you don't want to sleep. Your dorm room will have a lock and unless you're roomate is a total douche, I wouldn't worry about him messing up your xbox either.
And mario kart actually attracts girls, I'm not joking.
Wow, I didn't know every college and college student in the US was the same. Thank you. Generalizing and clumping things together is fun.
[QUOTE="NavigatorsGhost"]Most of you are completely retarded and are commenting without having attending college. All you do in college is go to class, study, get drunk/high, try and get laid, and most of all, hang out with your friends. You people who have not gone to college do not understand how much free time you have, especially if you aren't studying crazy stuff like engineering and what not. Your first semester especially you will be spending a lot of time in your dorm room because you are probably are too young to get into the bars and its not always the easiest thing to find a way to get alcohol either. That said, pretty much everybody plays videogames in college, even people who aren't usually gamers. You'll be up many a night playing videogames until 4 in the morning coming down from your high or getting sober, because there is nothing to do and you don't want to sleep. Your dorm room will have a lock and unless you're roomate is a total douche, I wouldn't worry about him messing up your xbox either.
And mario kart actually attracts girls, I'm not joking.
Wow, I didn't know every college and college student in the US was the same. Thank you. Generalizing and clumping things together is fun.
I'm trying to help you out. I went to one of the most competitive schools in the country. I'm not bragging, but once you are there, you will understand while many people consider college to be the best times in their lives. Just like high school people make a huge deal out of college before they actually start going and then they realize its a lot more than just sitting in the library studying and looking at lecture notes. And when you talk to high school friends who all go to other schools you will realize that college IS just about the same everywhere.
If you are taking a tough course load, I'd leave it at home & only play it during the breaks between semesters. Otherwise you're not going to get enough studying done. I didn't go to a dorm but I've seen them & they look cramped & crowded. And always lock your dorm door no matter what. If you have an easy course load & expect to have lot's of free time, then you can bring it, be sure to setup ground rules up front that you don't want your room-mate inviting guests over to hog your machine, otherwise, there is a chance it could happen. Get theft insurance.
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