Hey guys,
Disclaimer: Before we go any further I am basically openly debating whether or not I should buy an Xbox One and I am inviting others to inform me and help me make a decision. Because of this I give my thoughts on the console, what I like and what I don't like. You'll see me saying such things like 'The controller is worse' or something like that, I am not saying it is objectively worse but merely in my opinion to me personally I like it less - after I posted this I re-read and felt like it appeared I was giving the Xbox a hard time. This wasn't my intention but happens when you put anything under the microscope, same would happen with the PS4.
I've accumulate a great library of games for my PS3 and PS4. From decent exclusives like Infamous: SS, to solid multiplat's like Far Cry to absolute smashers like Bloodborne & Last Of Us. I also own a decent PC which, gaming wise, is used for PC only / orientated games such as Hearthstone, MMO's, MOBA's and indies. So up until recently I felt no real reason to buy an Xbox.
I've never been big on Xbox's in general. Call me what you will but honestly I grew up on the Playstation original and I am biased towards the brand - we all have all our little biases which make us who we are and define our tastes and preferences - I'm certainly no fanboy though and openly accept the Xbox franchise has a lot going for it, but ultimately up until recently wasn't enough to entice me in - given I had all my bases covered in the gaming sector.
The PS4 is going to have a killer '16 of that I have no doubt (in fact all of gaming will) however we all know late '15 is pretty darned weak. Recently I find myself thinking about getting an Xbox One. I wanted to know from you guys in particular what the Xbox One could bring to the table that my PC and PS4 already don't have covered.
Currently, reasons for:
- Halo 5!
- Forza Horizon: I am a big sim racer running a T500rs rig. Arcade wise the PS4 has DriveClub which is some quick fun and one of the prettiest games ever, outshining the yet to be released Forza 6 and recently released PCars by some margin! Sim wise I have PCars and Gran Turismo 6 (PS3) which for all intents and purposes is very similar to any Forza game. However, having the engine from Forza in a beautiful open world environment is a mouth watering prospect and I have always been jealous of the Horizon franchise as their simply isn't a Sony equivalent (no Gran Turismo Horizon :()
- Never liked the appearance of the One but every day that goes by I'm liking it, the snow white one is even becoming very sexy to me
- Controller feel and utility is equal to PS4 imo but lacks features such as the touch pad (and the infrared aiming thing, whatever its called), built in sound from controller, headset ease/utility, rechargeable, and even the lightbar can help immerse you in certain titles (GTA, or many games low health it goes red... which is something I guess lmao). However, the new elite customisable controller with things like paddles is totally up my street! Brilliant idea and really would love one. Depending on just how crazy you can get with it this could easily make up for those deficiencies and I could make the controller of my dreams! Is it out yet? It sounds amazing on paper but I wonder how it converts in real life. I'm a total controller feature junky lol.
- Kinect... Shocking I know but I've never really tested these peripherals out, stuck to core gaming, I'd like to try it and my GF wants that dancing game. I already know the Kinect will eat the PSEye alive. I could also use it outside of gaming, but Is it good enough for me to use it on things like Netflix, Youtube or even Google? I know it's capable of such things but I wonder if it will consistently hear me every time when I say 'Google Gamespot' and if it does it as fast or faster than without the Kinect. I do not want it to become one of those things which just frustrate me, or I force myself to use simply because I paid for it and don't want to waste it. Any thoughts on every day use with the Kinect?
- Rise Of the Tomb Raider: Loved the original, not such a big deal since it will be coming to PS4 later... but still
- £350+ for essentially the same thing I already have
- I've been lucky enough to try Virtual Reality and it blew me away. This is no gimmick. Sony has Morpheus coming out early next year and I'm sure since it's first party and internally developed it will have lots of support and will be well utilised. Microsoft don't seem to have their own, will the Oculus work on the One? Even if it did I'm not sure it'd be as well utilised as it is designed for PC's and would probably be a massive load on any console. I know MS have the smart glass thing which looks really cool but beyond Minecraft I really don't see a utility in gaming.
- Xbox has a lot of TV functionality. I don't watch TV at all. All I use is Netflix, Youtube and Google. But even with these my PC does 99%, occasionally I'll watch a movie on the console or a Youtube clip. Also, I find 'snapping' a bit odd, two things on one screen simply will not work for me (it'd give me a headache). Obviously I could just opt not to use it, but this was one of Xbox's key selling features.
- Does the controller come with a rechargable version? Like a simple USB into the controller port to charge? Batteries are my mortal enemy and I cannot stand them. Also, I'm pretty certain it lacks a headset jack in the controller and has limitations on non MS branded heatsets, how does this affect every day use? is it as restrictive as it seems? Also lacks the sound from the controller
- Currently only 2 exclusives I really want and one timed exclusive, what do Xbox have for 2016? Any big hitters?
- For multiplats I'd probably always buy on PS4. As a rule of thumb either the resolution or FPS is always superior on PS4, sometimes both, occasionally this isn't the case (FPS on Witcher 3) but it may be fixed, or is offset by resolution, so it isn't clean cut.
Anyway guys I just want some opinions. Is there a space for a PS4 and Xbox? Does the One still have that massive brick? Is there a version you can get without it (lol)? If you were trying to sell me an Xbox but had to be honest what would you say? How's the Kinect? Is it worth buying for only 3 exclusives? Is it, as I assume from tech run downs, generally inferior for multiplats? The PS4 has features in it's multiplats specifically designed around the controller, in GTA the lightbar flashes blue/red for the cops, in all games the touch pad is used for changing weapons, map usage, anything a mouse is used for etc, flicking rapidly causes menu shortcuts, aiming the controller at the tv causes the cursor to move, does the Xbox have any design / controller specific features for multiplats in a similar fashion (or any?)
Btw only replies from people who own and love their Xbox One and believe it to be either superior to the PS4 or a console that should share living rooms with the PS4.
Thanks! And pretty sure this is my first thread so apologies if I sound a bit odd and the EXTREME length, wasn't sure how to approach the question. It says I've posted before but been ages (year +) so I don't even remember ever being on this site, lol. Will continue to research and this will form part of my decision, hoping to have bought the One (If I'm going to) before the big hitters release.
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