Now before you start to yell at me.. I LOVE the RPG Genre.. I have good memories of FF7, Chrono Trigger, etc. These where FUN RPGS!! Nowadays, I look at the current RPGs.. and almost cry.
Not because they lack a good storyline.. nor because their gameplay sucks.. but because the !@#^ing main character is a !@#^ing twelve year old!! Or looks it! I mean DANG, I like the main character to look/feel like he could save the world, or at least be cool. (Be it through a sense of humor, or gruffness like the Gears of War characters.)
FF12 for example. Vaan.. the dude looks like a LAdy, and I really can't see him saving the world.. I mean cmon. Put a shirt on, kid.
And I just played the demo of Eternal Sonata.. for some reason, playing as a character that looks like he could be a 13 year old, okay.. well.. maybe it has a good storyline... the combat was fun enough. Then I picked up a 'Peach cookie'!!!! Yay!!
:roll: Shoot me now please?
Now, I don't really know what the Designers are thinking.. Most RPG players are NOT 13 year olds!!! I'm sorry, but I know of NO young kid that wants to blow 50+ hours on a game like that. And younger kids, well heck.. they probably couldn't understand what was going on.
Now.. I'm not saying that there AREN'T kids that play these games, but cmon. Are there REALLY enough of em to warrant so many 'kiddy' led RPGs?
*sigh* I don't really care for those 'MATURE' RPGs that much either. Darkness, blood etc, whatever. But they are the only thing out there that even REMOTELY doesn't disgust me with 'Peach Cookies'. (What the hell happened to good ol health potions? Or Rations?!)
I guess I'll just have to stick with Elder Scrolls: Obvlion and Gears Of War.. as it seems Action games are getting good mature storylines without peach cookies these days.
Whats your view on the matter?
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